Turan Gonen, "Electric Power Transmission System Engineering: Analysis and Design"
John Wiley & Sons | 1988-03 | ISBN: 0471859931 | 746 pages | PDF | 16,3 MB
This is a book for engineers involved with the mechanical design of electrical transmission systems. It includes a review of transmission system engineering and the basics of analysis, and then goes on to cover in detail topics such as the construction of overhead lines, structural supports, insulation requirements, vibration, sag and tension analysis, right-of-way planning and methods of locating structures and underground cables. Also included is material about cost analysis methods and techniques which are unique to transmission line design where fixed costs are shared among joint users. In addition to this the development of system reliability reporting to conform to standard requirements is covered, along with a modern, comprehensive treatment of the design aspects of electrical power systems. New topics of importance, such as fault analysis, system protection, line balancing and economic analysis are contained, with a brief review of analytical techniques which are pre-requisites to designing a system or component.

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