اولا دى صورة للعبة

دى للمركز و دة اهم مبنى فى العبة

دى الالة الى بطلعلك بترول

الالة الى بيطلعلك الحديد

الدفاع الارضى بتاعك الصواريخ دى موش باتاضرب الطيران

و دى بقا صورة للمدفع الى بيضرب الطيران و الارض

و دة برج التحظير الى لو اى حد جة يهجم عليك بيخلى الدفعات تاضربو

و دة درع علشان تحمى البانى بتعتك

و دة المتوى العالى من الدرع

و دة مصنع الدبابات
و دة بيدى الجيش بتاعك قدرة على المراوغة

و دة مفعل ناواوى علشان الكهربة و كدة

و دة المطار الى بتعمل منو طيران

و دى بقا مخازن البترول

و دا بيت التدريب و دة بيعمل هجوم عليك بس وهمى طبعاعلشان تختبر اسلحتك

و دة بقا بيت الجنود

و دة بيت التجهيزات للجاش

و دة مخازن الحديد

و دى صورة لمركز الى بيخليك تهجم على الى انتا عايزو

و دى صورة للعبة كلها
حمل مجانا مباشرة من هنا
War Commander Cheat Tool V1 02 Facebook Credits Generator 2012 rar
ودا فيديو للعبه
دى للمركز و دة اهم مبنى فى العبة
دى الالة الى بطلعلك بترول
الالة الى بيطلعلك الحديد
الدفاع الارضى بتاعك الصواريخ دى موش باتاضرب الطيران
و دى بقا صورة للمدفع الى بيضرب الطيران و الارض
و دة برج التحظير الى لو اى حد جة يهجم عليك بيخلى الدفعات تاضربو
و دة درع علشان تحمى البانى بتعتك
و دة المتوى العالى من الدرع
و دة مصنع الدبابات
و دة بيدى الجيش بتاعك قدرة على المراوغة
و دة مفعل ناواوى علشان الكهربة و كدة
و دة المطار الى بتعمل منو طيران
و دى بقا مخازن البترول
و دا بيت التدريب و دة بيعمل هجوم عليك بس وهمى طبعاعلشان تختبر اسلحتك
و دة بقا بيت الجنود
و دة بيت التجهيزات للجاش
و دة مخازن الحديد
و دى صورة لمركز الى بيخليك تهجم على الى انتا عايزو
و دى صورة للعبة كلها
حمل مجانا مباشرة من هنا
War Commander Cheat Tool V1 02 Facebook Credits Generator 2012 rar
ودا فيديو للعبه
ودى بعض شفرات واكواد اللعبه
شفرات و كلمات سر لعبة وار كوماندر
War Commander
Here are cheat codes for WarCommander that'll help
you deliver your troops to Victory
To activate cheat code
1. Select units
2. Click the LEFT girl head first and Click the RIGHT
girl head second located at the Command menu bar at the
lower right or the screen
3.Click the Eagle in between the to girls. You'll hear
the workd "OK" as confirmation that the code has been
At the top Bar where you can see the date/time, Two
Eagles are located both Left and Right
1. Press the Left Eagle to Activate God Mode
2. Press the Right Eagle to Skip Level
You can also reload your ammo by pressing the Armalite
located the the Command menu bar
When maneuvering the scout, he should be camouflaged
if possible. By doing so he will be capable of exploring
enemy territory almost invisible. Use him as your main
reconnaissance tool
A scout teamed up with a sniper makes a deadly combination
The unmatched visual range of the scout gives the sniper
the opportunity to delicately use his precision rifle
Always watch if your troops are in defensive or offensive
mode. Depending on the tactic you are going to use, the
one or the other mode could be to your advantage
The only unit which can erect buildings is the engineer
Use him to build your defensive perimeter
Use the terrain to your advantage. Different terrain
heights have different attributes which can change your
attack and defensive abilities
Watch out when darkness hits or rain is falling: The
visual range of your units decreases drastically
Maneuver your units into the safety of a civilian or
military building. Depending on the number of units in
a building visual range and firepower of these units can
be increased
Tanks and grenade launchers are the perfect long
distance weapons. Use a scout to make out the target
and then unleash your deadly force
Look for ammunition crates lying around. Grab one of
these with one of your units and the ammunition of the
unit reaches maximum
Do not throw hand grenades up towards a hill. It is
very likely that they roll back into your direction
and become boomerangs
Watch for the ground surface you are moving on
Depending on the different surfaces you will be able
to move faster or slower
Never forget that heavy artillery like tanks or rocket
launchers need quite some time to reload
Use the airstrike to your advantage. The powerful
airstrike called to action by your commander or your
radio unit can be the decisive while devastating force
in almost every the battle
Keep an eye out for tank treads or footprints when
scouting an area. These can be great hints on how the
enemy moves and where he is about
Achieving additional goals within a mission can hold
extra supplies or even reinforcements
Better reconnaissance
Camouflage the scout before exploring enemy areas
That unit will be almost invisible
Effective sniping
Team a scout with a sniper. The scout can see farther
providing more targets for the range of the sniper's rifle
Building defenses
The engineer is the only unit that can construct buildings
and should be used to build a defensive perimeter
Changing range and firepower
Place units in a civilian or military building. Depending
on the number of units in a building, their visual range
and firepower can be increased
Do not throw grenades upwards on a hill
They can roll back towards your units
Mission bonuses
Complete the additional goals within a mission to find
extra supplies and reinforcements
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